WELCOME | Jasper Jones

Hello friends! 

Gardner, Brooks, and I want to introduce you to Jasper Thomas Jones!

He was 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long.

For the next 8 weeks I’ll be taking Paternity Leave to be with my growing family. You won’t see me preaching, leading YOUTH events, or up on stage anytime soon.

You might see the four of us around Columbia: Tired, covered in spit up, and full of baby snuggles.

We are so so grateful for your love, your support, your prayers, your gifts, and your food. This community is such a gift, and one that so evidently embodies the love of God. 

We look forward to seeing you around town! 

If you have pastoral concerns, talk to Dawn (Dawn@downtownchurch.me
If you have a YOUTH concern, talk to Abigail (Abigail@downtownchurch.me) or Xan (Xan@downtownchurch.me)
If you’re a home group leader and have a question, reach out to Kara (Kara@downtownchurch.me)

The church asks for grace in responding as we will be one pastor down for a little while.

Lucas, Gardner, Brooks, and Jasper

The Staff has set up a Meal Train for Lucas and Gardner, if you’d like to bring them a meal you can sign up here.

Lucas Jones