LEARN | Genius Swap

Genius Swap - A Community Boosting Adventure

Genius: exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
Swap: the act of exchanging one thing for another.

When: November 20th, 1:00-3:00pm
Where: Central Energy (2030 Gregg St.)

We all have our own special genius, a unique ability or talent, to bring to our communities. Often, though, because this talent comes so easily to us, we either don’t see it or don’t truly value it.

One of the best ways to begin valuing our genius and recognizing its importance in the community is to express it. And to have that expression valued by the person or group receiving it.

Genius Swap is an opportunity for our community to come together and share our unique talents with each other - a give and get, an exchange - of the unique and treasured talents between the members of our community.

I know what some of you may be thinking: “Me? I’m not sure I’ve got a unique talent to offer.” I assure you that you do. And I commit to helping you discover it if you haven’t already. In fact, helping others discover their genius is one of my creative powers.

This event is in itself an example of a Genius Swap in action. I have a talent - facilitating groups and leading them through self-discovery. And I have a need - the expression of this talent. So, I’m hoping at least a handful of you will show up and experience this with me.

I’m going to be honest. I haven’t done this before. I attended a training course earlier this year on facilitating an Offers and Needs Market. Their process has been practiced and proven (link to: Home - The Offers and Needs Market). But you know our vibe at DOWNTOWN CHURCH is to switch things up, innovate, try things that might fail - because they also might be really fun and effective.

So, we’ve made a few tweaks, like focusing on passions, skills, talents, and services - rather than things. We’ve also decided to take money off the table so that there’s no charging for offers. 

Here’s how the event flows, in three simple steps:

Step 1: Harness your genius to create an offer.
I’ll step you through this. You don’t need to know what you’re offering before you come to the event. I promise, you have something to offer. Trust me and the process.

Step 2: Explore your needs and make a request.
I’ll guide you through this step, and you’ll be surprised how aware you become of your needs as you listen to what others have to offer.

Step 3: Swap.
This isn’t a barter. It’s a gift exchange. By allowing someone to express their genius, you are giving them a gift. And they are gifting you with what you receive from it.

The premise behind this adventure: We all have a unique genius to bring to our community. And when we have the opportunity to express our genius, everyone around us benefits.

So, I hope you’ll come to first ever Genius Swap and contribute that awesomeness that only you have to give to boost our community and help it thrive.

Sign up here, More Q + A below:

Anticipated Questions + Best Guess Answers

Do I need to prepare for the event?

No need to prepare. But if you, like me, love any chance to reflect - consider these questions:

  • What do I love to do so much that I get lost in it? (Binging Netflix doesn’t count…)

  • Name three things that people tell me I’m good at - that I just shrug off and think “Oh, everybody does that.”

  • If I could do anything for work (without wondering how in the world I’d get paid for it) what would it be?

Do I need to bring anything to the event?

Yes. A positive, trusting attitude and a sense of adventure.

Will there be snacks? 

I’m not sure, so pop a granola bar in your bag on the way out the door.

Can I charge for my offer?

Nope! We’ve taken money off the table for this experience. However, if you find that you’d like to transform your unique talent into a business, we fully support that! Think of this as a time to prototype your offer or hone your client experience. Then, if all goes well and you feel so inspired, you can charge for your offer in the future.

What if I already charge for my genius?

If you already have a business or job that is an expression of your unique abilities - that’s amazing! Would you consider bringing some of your genius to our event as a gift? Is there a tweak or pivot you’ve been wanting to experiment with? This would be the perfect time!

I’m still confused. Can you give me some examples of what people might create as an offer?

Sure! Here some examples, but remember, the only rules really are no money, no things.

  • Is the Home Edit your favorite show? Make an offer to clean out someone’s closet.

  • Do you rock a strategy session like no one else? Offer to teach others how to facilitate one.

  • Do people tell you all the time that your space is calm, warm and inviting? Create an offer for a relaxing afternoon in your space.

  • Love to bake? Offer treats for a holiday gathering.

  • Geek out on investing? Teach others the basics.

  • Love paddleboarding? Offer to take others on a paddle around the lake.

  • Write poetry? Make an offer to write an original poem.

  • Make art? Offer lessons or an original piece.

  • Play or write music? How about a mini concert or original song.

  • Love doing crafts with kids? Host a playshop for parents and their kiddos.

How does this boost community again?

You will learn so much about yourself and the others who attend. You’ll find yourself saying: “I’ve known you for ten years and had no idea you love doing that!” Or you’ll meet someone new and build a relationship with them through your swap. You’ll have the joy and satisfaction of expressing your genius and seeing others delight in receiving it.

Wait, should I bring the old sweaters in the top of my closet? Is this a clothing swap?

Nope. Leave your sweaters and all of your things at home. Except the granola bar, and maybe some a bag of chips to share.

I still have questions. What should I do?

Send them my way via email: jeannie@jeanniesullivan.com. Or ask Dawn for my number and give me a call.