WORSHIP | Sunrise Service

This is happening. A Sunrise Service on the back lawn of Central Energy on August 16th, 2020. The service will begin at 6:46 am, right when the sun pops up in the sky. We know you have a lot of questions about this service and we’ve got all the details below in the field guide.

Sunrise Service FAQ

Why are we having church so early?
We’ve never had a Sunrise Service at DTC and this seemed like a great time to try something new. After 8:00am it gets hot outside and we wanted to avoid people overheating.

Will there still be Worship from your couch online for people who don’t wake up early or feel comfortable with gathering right now?
Yes! Digital worship will happen like always and the Sunrise Service will be a simplified version of the digital experience.

Who is the Sunrise Service for?
Anyone who is craving church in person, with safety measures in place.

Do I need to register for this service?
You do not have to register, however we’d love to know if you are planning to come so we can know how many spots to mark out on the lawn and how many cars to expect. If you are sure you are coming and want to help us plan, feel free to fill out the form at the bottom of the FAQ.

Will there be DTK?
No, we will not have DTK this time but if you bring your shorty, Ms. Trina will have a surprise for them to pick up.

Should I bring my cool new mask?
Yes, masks are required, even though we are outside. You can come in your pajamas, yoga pants, overalls — you don’t even have to wear shoes but you need to wear a mask. If you don’t have one or all of your new cloth ones are being washed we will have one for you.

Will we need to stay 6 feet apart from other people that we love and want to hug who do not live in our household?
The bummer answer is yes. But, we’re doing something fun with the back lawn so you can find a little pod and stay in that spot and wave to your friends.

Will the set-up guys be putting out chairs?
Not for this special service. We invite you to bring lawn chairs or blankets and put them out on the lawn.

I miss holding a program, will there be one for me?
Not this time. The digital program will be available for you. You can access it on the back lawn on your device.

How long will the service be?
About 30 minutes.

Can I sing along with the band?
We ask that you not sing with the band, since singing spreads germies. Feel free to hum or sway.

Is there a rain plan?
If God decides that it will rain on the morning of August 16th, stay in bed and enjoy worship from your couch like usual, we will of course have that option for church as well.

How do I make an offering at this service?
First of all, thank you. Secondly, you can drop it in the mailbox on the front of the building or make a secure gift online.

Will there be coffee and cookies?
Since we will all be wearing masks we will not have coffee or cookies. We encourage you to sip on your coffee as you drive to church.

Can I stay in my car?
Yes! We will broadcast the sound from the stage to your car via FM radio.

If you are staying in your car, park on the lots on either side of the church. If you are planning to sit on the back lawn in your chair, please park in the lot across the street.

Will this service happen every Sunday?
We’re trying it as one of our worship surprises. If it goes well, we’re open to doing it more!