VOLUNTEER | Blood Drive

During this season of disconnect, where bodies are not to touch, it can be difficult to know where to move our bodies to help others.

We have kept our eyes and ears open for needs to arise.

One urgent need is for blood at the local hospitals.  By connecting with a local blood drive organization, we can do so safely at Central Energy.

In order to offer this service to the community, we need to know who out there could help us make it happen.
Realistically, we need 6-8 volunteers and a minimum of 40 people to sign up to give blood to make this a go! 

Bonus: If you give blood you are automatically screened for Covid-19 antibodies!
Let us know if you have any questions/concerns.

If you would like to give blood, register for a time here.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the blood drive please email

Check back here frequently. We will be updating this page on our website with more opportunities to serve.