February Pre and Post Worship Playlist
Music is an important part of the worship experience at Downtown Church. Our musician, Lance Cooper, and the talented band are responsible for almost all of it. However, I’ve reserved the right to curate the pre-worship and post-worship playlist each week. My singing sounds like a elderly wolf howling at the moon with a mouthful of food, so Lance and the others are cool with this compromise. Since they won't let me sing, each month I settle in for an extended session with Spotify with an inflated sense of the playlist’s importance and scour my music library for the right tunes. I keep waiting for someone to breathlessly ask for a copy of the playlist, but that hasn’t happened yet. So I'll just give it to you via Spotify. On first glance you'll wonder if your at a United Nations themed after party. Fink followed up by Yelle and a little Michael Kiwanuka has that effect on people, I know. But don't worry you will find the groove by the time you get to the fourth track, Matt & Kim's Daylight. And if you make it all the way through, there is gem waiting for you at the end.