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I hear it all the time. On Saturday night after the big football game someone said it again. I stopped going to evening Carolina games when I started preaching every Sunday. But this past weekend my brother was in town from New Orleans so I made an exception. Around 11:00 p.m., well after the conclusion of the game, I grumbled about needing to go home because I had to work the next day. In a mocking gesture intended to be a funny joke that was less than original and not funny at all, an acquaintance wrapped his arm around me and said "what are you worried about, you only work one day a week." Truth is, I don't. We try to keep things simple at DOWNTOWN CHURCH and usually say no before we say yes to the urge to start something new. But, there's enough happening at our simple start-up church to keep a full-time staff of three and a part-time staff of many more busy on days other than Sunday.

Problem is, you may not know about it. Small groups meet weekly, special events and learning opportunities are offered regularly. There's a coaching center with clients. We do weddings and visit people in the hospital. There's an annual trip to Ethiopia and special services during Easter and Christmas. We meet with new worshippers thinking about making DTC their church home, and we meet individually with regulars that have questions about their faith.

But still, despite an active website that makes registration for events easy, constant updates to our Facebook page, and a Twitter stream that seems to never dry up, I often hear people complain that they didn't know that (fill in the blank) happened last week. And if they did know, they would have attended.

We could send an email to all 900 people on our mailing list every time we want to communicate the next most important thing happening at DTC, but if we did that you'd quietly despise us for clogging up your inbox and eventually you'd stop paying attention.

So here's the deal: stop missing out on all the stuff you need to know by subscribing to our feed. Whenever new content is added to the website you'll get an excerpt via email with a link back to the full post.

Subscribing is as easy as filling in your email address to the right under the heading "Stick with Us". Or you can click this link. Do it, and then you'll know we work more than one day a week.