a new group experience is a 7 week interactive video series that invites you to share a big conversation with leading voices in the wider church. There are no prerequisites to participate. Anyone is welcome and a special invitation is extended to people who are opening their Bibles for the first time at Downtown Church. The series begins on Tuesday April 9 and will meet at 12 p.m. for 7 consecutive Tuesdays.

Space is limited to 10 participants and the cost is $13 if you choose to purchase the companion journal.

There is only one requirement - bring your questions. Your learning will be enhanced by the facilitated discussion and the short videos. The series will be facilitated by Amos Disasa and others that have a little experience in settings like this one.

Here's a breakdown of the sessions:

  1. God | Faith Is a Quest
  2. Religion | Spirituality is not Enough
  3. Jesus | The Revolution of Love
  4. Salvation | Abundant Life Now
  5. Cross | Where God Is
  6. Bible | A Book Like No Other
  7. Church | An Imperfect Family
