CELEBRATE | Charles Weathers, Pastor of Care and Connection

Our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee, chaired by Elder Kristen Vick, proposes today that we conclude the work of the committee as the full time pastoral role we were searching for is being filled by Charles Weathers. What we thought would be a dream interim has become a more permanent dream. 

We are thankful to the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee for their hard work and we are thankful to God for Charles and his eagerness to lead in this role!

From Associate Pastor Nominating Committee:
“It seemed like God lined up Charles’ for the APNC like an airplane coming in to land! — Mac Stidham 

“God's timing is perfect, and God knew what was best for us. Cheers to the future of DTC with an A-Team at the helm!” — CJ Cypress 

“Charles absolutely “gets” Downtown Church and our culture. His openness and creativity throughout the Committee’s search was refreshing and heartening. We are ecstatic that he is taking this step with DTC!” — Kristen Vick 

From Staff 
“Charles embodies our core values: being open, curious, creative, playful and real. Our church will grow through his pastoral care, leadership and teaching. I’m so excited to get to work with him!” —Dawn Hyde

“This is what it looks like when fate and faith finally collide! We are thrilled”! — Trina Randle, Director of Kids 

“I can’t think of two words to better describe Charles than care and connection. He speaks, acts, and listens with such genuine care. He has a way of bringing all kinds of people together and somehow creating the most beautiful spaces for discussion and community. I am so happy to have more of Charles at DTC.” — Abigail Elsey, Director of Tiny Theologians and Youth

We asked Charles so share why he is excited about this role to pastor DTC with care and connection?

“I’m excited:

  • to see what God has in store for all of us, to see how the journey unfolds, and the fruit that God will produce.

  • about holding space with people. Being present, being still, and being there with people in their most tender moments, as well as their most exhilarating moments. I’m excited about being in spaces where we can lower our masks.  

  • to be a part of team that truly values and models what it means to be a team. 

  • that this is a “with” role, not a “to” or “for” role.
    To walk with people on this journey of life is much more enlightening and compelling than doing this to or for people. 

  • about the uncertainty.”

Things he loves to do just for fun: 

  • All things gardening. Watchin life emerge from the soil and defy what the label or package dictated it was supposed to look like. 

  • Fishing, though it’s been a while. 

  • Serving as the unofficial ambassador for Gen X

  • Listening to old school music on a rainy afternoon. 

  • Cheering for Gamecocks and NY Giants (though there’s not much to cheer for lately).

  • Walk along the river. When the river’s low, walk out to some of the big boulders and sit, meditate, as the sun rises. 

  • Watch Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune, and
    Jeopardy with Anita — we party hard. :) 

  • Thrifting, visiting old antique stores. 

  • Spending time in nature.