Connect | Care + Connection Party!

We have a lot to celebrate!

Meet us after the 10:30 worship service on August 18th for food trucks, free Kona ice, a giant slip n' slide and games. We know it will be hot but we have outdoor air conditioning, inside air conditioning and lots of ways to cool down. 

Bring money to grab some lunch from one of the food trucks and a cooler for any beverages you'd like to drink or share.

This party is more than just an event—it's a moment to connect, build relationships, and strengthen our community. Our Care and Connection Team is dedicated to supporting each of you through life's joys and challenges, ensuring that no one walks alone. Whether you're new to our church or a longtime member, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the many ways we can support and uplift one another.

We believe that God’s will for our lives includes living in a loving, supportive community with one another. By coming together, we embody God’s grace, love, and compassion, making our church a true home for all.