CONNECT | Summer at DTC

Looking for a way to connect over the summer? We have Montreat for high schoolers, Middle Mission for the kids in middle school, and Kindness Camp for the littles!

Montreat Youth Conference  
Rising 9th graders to graduating seniors
When: June 9-15
Where: Montreat, NC
Cost: $650, scholarships available (email
P.S. Our very own Dawn Hyde will be the keynote speaker!

CROSS Mission Trip
Who: Rising 6th graders to graduating 8th graders
When: July 14-19
Where: Charlotte, NC
Cost: $450

Kindness Camp

When: June 24-27 from 8:30a-2:00p
**Please register each camper separately using this form so we can have accurate data on our super-kind campers**
Who: Ages 5 -5th grade
Cost: $250 per Camper
Deposit: $100
Scholarships are available, please email for information.