LEARN | Exodus Bible Study

Many of the journeys we take start at Point A and are focused on getting to Point B. We head to the grocery store, to a favorite vacation spot, to a family friend's dinner, to the clinic for treatment. And then we head back home.

Many of the holy journeys God sends us on, though, are more ... roundabout.

This Lent, we'll be turning to the story of the holy journey the Hebrews underwent from Egypt to the Promised Land as portrayed in the Book of Exodus.

Wherever you find yourself--on the Nile among the crocodiles, eating your food on the run, or hiking up some steep mountains--we'd love you to join our conversation about the incredible story of the Exodus.

The Details:
February 21-April 4
Women's Bible Study: Tuesdays at Noon
All People's Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:45 AM


Both happen at Central Energy (2030 Gregg St).

Do I need to buy a book or anything?
Nope! We’ve got a homemade curriculum, just for you. No purchase necessary. Download it here.

Dates  | Story | Readings
2/21 + 2/22 | God calls and equips | Shorter reading: 3:1-4:17 | Longer reading: Ch. 1-4
2/28 + 3/1 | Plagues & Passover | Shorter reading: 11:1-12:51 | Longer reading: Ch. 5-12
3/7 + 3/8 | The Red Sea | Shorter reading: 13:17-14:30 | Longer reading: Ch. 13-15
3/14 + 3/15 | Manna | Shorter reading: 16:1-35 | Longer reading: Ch. 16-17
3/21 + 3/22 | Mount Sinai | Shorter reading: 18:13-19:9 | Longer reading: Ch. 18-24
3/28 + 3/29 | True & False Worship | Shorter reading: 32:1-35 | Longer reading: Ch. 25-32
4/4 + 4/5 | Covenant | Shorter reading: 34:1-10, 27-35 | Longer reading: Ch. 33-40

I’m pretty busy. Is it a lot of reading?
This is a bit of a choose-your-own-adventure opportunity. If you want to read through the whole book, you can read the longer readings each week. If you’ve only got about 3.2 free minutes each week, feel free to read the shorter reading—that’s what we’ll focus on.

I know I’m going to miss a few weeks. Is it still okay to come?
Absolutely. We’re glad to have you when you can make it, and will keep you in prayer when you can’t!

What do I need to bring with me?
It will probably be helpful to have a Bible, whichever one you have. If you need one, let us know.

Can I bring my lunch/breakfast?