WANTED | Cookie Monsters


If we had an awards ceremony, we would be handing out an award right now to Sally Dunbar for volunteering to be Cookie Monster and bring cookies back to Holy Interruption at DOWNTOWN CHURCH. I know you are asking, "When?!!!?!??!?" as you read this, so here's the when — Sunday, August 14th at 10 AM. Not only has Sally offered to bring cookies, but she has also offered to help organize others to bring cookies to worship. Here's the deal, when people volunteer, we'll have cookies. When they don't, we won't. So, if you like cookies, reach out to Sally Dunbar directly to help make it happen: sallydunbar29209@gmail.com

The Cookie Commandments:
1. Thou shall bring your own tray
2. Thou shall not have nuts
3. Thou shall be delicious

*No rules about being store bought or home made. Read below for the story of how we started having cookies during worship in the first place.

The Story
A long, long time ago, when worship at DOWNTOWN CHURCH was first being dreamt up, a person who was attending regularly brought an idea forward. What if, in addition to coffee on Sunday mornings, we offered warm, fresh cookies?

This idea-made-reality person then got up on Sunday mornings, early like at 4 AM, and freshly baked 100 cookies. Often, they were delivered to our worship space warm. Chocolate chip cookies gooey in the middle. This was his gift to his church community. His unique gift that he offered to us. When he moved away from Columbia, the gift continued through what we call "The Cookie Monsters," a group of volunteers who take turns baking cookies for the church. Over the years, our worshipping community grew quite large. I can't do the math without my TI-84 calculator, but 300 cookies is a lot of bakers dozen and time in an apron by the oven. So, our cookies got more diverse. Some were chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven, some came from the Publix bakery, some donut holes from Dunkin' Donuts, etc. Just ask any kid who choose to stay through the first part of worship and fills their coffee cup with them, all those cookies are delicious.

See our 3 commandments above to learn we are not picky, just always grateful and aware of some severe nut allergies