This summer, DOWNTOWN CHURCH is observing rest through RECESS. Whether you are an every-Sunday church goer, occasional visitor, dedicated volunteer, or paid staff member, RECESS offers an active pause for you. 

Follow your memory back to the sandy playground where grubby, chubby fingers gripped plastic and metal slides, dust from sidewalk chalk covered your shoes, and remember the joy of being active without structure. RECESS was the pause where you reflected on learning, made friends, and connected with your imagination. Ultimately, it's where you found rest in the change, a break from long hours sitting at your small desk. 

RECESS is, essentially, a sabbath for the system. It's an invitation to embrace unstructured imaginative worship. 

That means that we will not have worship on July 3 or July 10, 2022.

Check back here for liturgy you can use during Recess.

We'll have members of our community on call for pastoral support during RECESS.