MUSIC | Bluegrass at Christmass

A long, long time ago we started a pre-Christmas concert called "Bluegrass at Christmass." It wasn’t all bluegrass music, but it was mostly Christmass-y. It was a chance for us to hear from some of our favorite musicians, a variety of genres, and get in the holiday mooooood. This year, we're excited for you to enjoy this sonic holiday hug again.

That's right, Bluegrass at Christmass is coming back.

Before you text all of your friends, read this FAQ so you can sound smart and answer their questions.

When: December 11, 7-9pm
What: Live Music
Where: Downtown Church
Who: Anyone who likes music
Cost: Free (optional Love Offering to support musicians @ DTC)

Is the music all bluegrass?
Nope! One year someone played The Grinch on electric guitar. We named the concert “Bluegrass at Christmass” because it was fun to make the name rhyme. The music will be a variety of genres. We aren’t changing the name because we like to keep things weird.

Does it cost money to come to this show?
Nope! It’s free and open to the public. We will have the option to make a donation and support DTC musicians.

Will there be childcare for this concert?
Not this time.

Can I invite my friends?
Everyone is welcome, this is not just a church event. The more the merrier!