KNOW l Advent Surprises


Advent is about anticipation:

  • We anticipate the birth of Jesus.
  • We anticipate a new beginning.
  • We anticipate the [insert your holiday emotion] of whatever comes next.

This year at DOWNTOWN anticipation is made manifest in a surprise especially crafted just for you. Each Sunday you come to worship, you will encounter a gift. One you didn't expect and one you could not begin to imagine.

We signed all sorts of non-disclosure agreements so we can't tell you what is to come, however we can tell you about last Sunday.

Last Sunday, the first week of advent, held the gift of light. Everybody got a teeny tiny burlap sack with a wooden star inside. The scripture compelled us to consider how light travels through us to others.

We can't tell you what comes next, but we will tell you that the surprises build to the biggest surprise on Christmas Eve. So, you know, don't miss that. Find the FAQ with all the information we can give you about Christmas Eve here.

Dawn Hyde