It is not on your calendar. Stop looking, googling, double-checking.

We made it up. The whole thing, all 30 days of it were invented by us as an un-ironic twist on the traditional church stewardship campaign, also known as the “God’s gonna go broke without (your) 10%” okey doke.

We’ve never done one of those annual campaigns. Our propaganda is presented year round.

Except for September in the two thousand seventeenth year of our Lord, aka starting tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, roll out your grills, pump up your kiddie pools, and celebrate while listening for the sound of nobody talking about money for thirty days.

It’s an experiment. We want to know if all the slippery and sometimes funny ways we find to talk about people giving the church some of their money are effective.

So let it be known that September is National No Money Month at DOWNTOWN CHURCH. Let’s see if you click on words like those two to go to the giving page.