Giving FAQ

Why is recurring giving preferred?
In a word: stability. Defined, monthly contributions simply allow us to plan better and budget more efficiently. Naturally, we aim to be as flexible and accommodating as possible. And we’re pretty good. Just not “loaves and fishes” good.

It can be easier on your end too. You set things up once and can forget about it for an entire year. Recurring gifts are debited monthly for 12 consecutive months beginning on the date of your choice.

Now, if you’ll excuse us getting even pickier for a moment, here’s one final distinction. Of the two methods of recurring giving (ACH vs. credit/debit), recurring check contributions (ACH) are optimal. Why? Because 100% of your contribution stays with us rather than being compromised by transaction fees from the credit card companies.

Set up recurring giving online.

What happens after 12 months?
Before your 12-month commitment ends we will contact you and remind you that your commitment is expiring.

Is my financial information safe?
Yes. DOWNTOWN CHURCH does not have access to any of your credit card information. We use as our giving platform and partner with for payment processing. Your credit card information is maintained on their servers, which utilize the same security standards as your bank. Read more about the security of your information here.

Can I set up my own recurring gifts through my bank's billpay service?
Yes. Your check will be mailed from your bank per your request.  You will receive a contribution statement for tax purposes from DOWNTOWN CHURCH.

Will I receive a statement if I use the online option on your website?
Yes, we provide you with end-of-the-year statements, but our online giving platform, Kindful, allows you access to your giving information at anytime. Just log in and review your yearly giving.

Do I need to create a special account to give online?
We use Kindful as our online giving platform. By creating an account online at, you can use your debit card, credit card, or bank account to give a single or recurring gift. For more information about how to set up an account with Kindful, click here.

Can I see financial records?
Yes, if you use our online giving platform, you can access your giving history anytime. If you give via check otherwise not-online, we can provide them to you at your request.  

Can I designate my funds to a specific program or thing?
Undesignated contributions are preferable, but if you’re especially inclined to designate yours, please contact us in advance.

Are one-time contributions accepted as well?
Of course. One time gifts and cash transfers can be made online. Stock transfers can be arranged by emailing Susanna Young to connect with our brokerage account at Merrill Lynch. Checks may be mailed to us at DOWNTOWN CHURCH 2030 Gregg Street, Columbia SC 29201.

Will you pass an offering plate in worship?
Rarely. At DOWNTOWN CHURCH we pass the plate twice a year, Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. But offering bowls are located at each of the doors as you enter and exit the building at every worship service, and you may leave contributions there.