Big-Time Lunch Details
Tomorrow after worship we’ll come together for our second Big-Time, Post-Worship, Church-Wide Lunch. The menu is set, the table-clothes are ironed, and the word is out. There is no registration or RSVP necessary, just come and eat.
The nursery for children (birth- 3k) will remain open throughout the lunch.[divider_flat]
Along with the food, we’ll spend a few minutes updating everyone on some exciting developments. We’ll talk about…
- where we will worship next (with pictures)
- money - where we get it, how much we have, and what we need (with fancy pants bar graphs)
- the introduction of downtown groups
- Re-run Bicycle Emporium
If we have time and the fairies that bless electronic equipment cooperate, you'll also get to see the video we produced to help answer the question “What is Downtown Church?”
See you tomorrow!