CARE | SurvivorVoices : a talking circle about suicide loss
You Are Invited to a Survivor Voices Conversation
Survivor Voices is a talking circle for those impacted by suicide loss to share their stories in ways that promote healing, connection, and hope. Through personal testimony and open dialogue, it fosters understanding, connection, and compassion for all who attend.
Join us for an evening of heartfelt sharing and meaningful dialogue as we come together for a Survivor Voices Conversation. This gathering will offer a compassionate and safe space to hear one person's journey through the profound impact of suicide loss.
When: Sunday, February 2, 2025, 5 - 6pm
Where: Central Energy, 2030 Gregg St, Columbia, SC 29201
Who: All
Our time together will begin with Pastor Charles of Downtown Church sharing his personal experience as a suicide loss survivor in a way that reflects hope, healing, and resilience. Afterward, we will open the floor for a guided dialogue, reflections, and supportive conversation.
We will also have two representatives from the State Department of Mental Health, who will offer professional insights and be available to address questions and provide information on additional resources.
Whether you are a survivor of suicide loss, someone who cares for others impacted by loss, or simply a supportive presence in the community, you are warmly invited to attend.
Together, we can foster understanding, connection, and hope.