SERMON | SERIES: Micrograce


If you google "micrograce" you aren't going to get a book recommendation, a scholar's thoughts or even a clear definition. That's because we are adapting this word to talk about grace. Jesus took care of the big grace (Macro Grace) once and for all through his death and resurrection. But, what we've realized is that even though grace is the foundation of our faith, we aren't all that great at offering and receiving grace.

In an election year, we get caught up in judgement and hate. We are scared of being cancelled if we say the wrong thing. It seems like a good a time as any to focus on grace, and furthermore, to figure out how we can participate in grace in micro ways -- real, tangible, doable micro moments of grace.

The idea for this series came out of a conversation with Downtowner Kim Andrews. She talked about her standards for herself professionally and then as a caregiver. She pushes too hard. She expects too much. She needs more than anything, to be reminded and rooted in God's grace and then figure out how to extend that grace to herself and others. In our conversation, she gave concrete time-stamped examples of how she is finding micro moments of grace - 10 minutes to walk and pray or 5 minutes of deep breathing and listening to a song that moves her closer to God.

In these next two months, we will explore micrograce for ourselves, for our parents, for our children, for our neighbors, for our politicians, for our enemies, for (you fill in the blank). It is our hope that marking micro moments of grace together will spill out into our community, our workplaces, our schools, our homes, our tailgates and fields.