The time has come for us to elect a new class of elders.

What are elders?
Good question. Elders are the leaders elected by you, DOWNTOWN CHURCH, to serve communion, oversee the budget, and dream for our future. Elders function much like a board of a non-profit. We call our elders the “Session."

How are they elected?
Each year, the Nominating Committee (elected by you!) initiates this process by asking for nominations (happening now). Then, they review the nominees and present four nominees at a congregational meeting.

How long do elders serve?
3 years. 

How can I help?
Nominate someone. Think about our vision for the next three years (our property growth needs, our youth and kid growth, our desire for more wilderness/mission trips, etc). Who in this community has gifts that align with those needs? Who has great ideas that need to be heard? Who has a heart for service?

Is there a particular kind of person you are looking for?
In the history of our church, the Session has been made up of leaders of all kinds: Entrepreneurs, doctors, and business leaders by trade, parents and grandparents, millennials and octogenarians, introverts and the people who can’t stop talking when the Holy Interruption stops. Each of these people come together to share their unique talents and perspectives to support the work in progress that is Downtown Church. 

Elder Nominations are open. Use the button below to submit your nomination.
The Nominating Committee will be accepting nominations through Tuesday, October 8, 2024.