WILDERNESS | Spring Trips

“No, Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and bread. “ —Edward Abbey

This Spring Lucas is leading two wilderness trips, if you are interested in experiencing God outside of your everyday life, outside of the church walls and in the company of trees — you can let him know you are interested using the form below! Reach out to lucas@downtownchurch.me if you have questions about either trip.

NEXT TRIP #1 (less difficult) | Spring 2023

WHAT: Backpacking on Cumberland Island for 3 days
WHEN: March 10-12th, 2023 (Leaving Friday morning)
WHERE: Cumberland Island, GA.
WHY: To get outside of our routine and encounter God and one another more authentically in the created natural world.

NEXT TRIP #2 (more difficult) | Spring 2023
Backpacking in Western NC/East Tennessee
WHEN: March 24-26th, 2023 (Leaving Friday morning)
WHERE: Smoky Mtn. National Park, or elsewhere
WHY: To get outside of our routine and encounter God and one another more authentically in the created natural world.

Spring Trips have been filled. Email lucas ( lucas@downtownchurch.me) if you'd like to be put on the waitlist!