TOGETHER | Worship From Your Couch Continued

We’ve been working hard to bring you a worship experience you can enjoy from your couch for the last two months. We’ve been thinking, talking, researching, and zooming to try and figure out the safest way to stay together while we are apart. 

The Session has been meeting weekly and has formed a task-force to help us make decisions moving forward. It is important for you to know that we miss each other and you, but we want to keep everyone safe while we navigate the pandemic. 

Here are a few of the articles and guidelines we’ve been considering as we go forward in our planning:
CDC Phasing In
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Singing and Covid-19 (CDC)

We want you to know that we are diligently and faithfully considering how we can meet again and when. And we promise to continue offering Worship From Your Couch as long as we need to make sure everyone feels included and connected. We also want to hear from you! Please reach out to us anytime: 

We do not have a set date to gather together but we will let you know as soon as we have enough information to take steps in that direction. 

So, stay comfy for now, keep coming to church in your PJs. 

DTC Leadership (Session + Staff)