Every week dozens of people ask me who curates the playlist that is broadcast before worship begins, during the holy interruption, and after church. They say the music selections are never cheesy and are evidence of impeccable musical taste. I agree.

That's why I'm humbled to share the identity of our curator. It is me.

Please accept the gift below from this meek wanna-be DJ to his dozens of fans. The list changes frequently, so check back to see what's presently spinning at DOWNTOWN CHURCH. Or if you use Spotify, follow the playlist and it will automatically update.

FYI - My stage name is DJ Surplus. Right now I only have one turntable, so I'm not available for live parties. But if you want me to curate a playlist for your next house party, send me a message via twitter (@amosdisasa) because that's how DJ's communicate with their constituency.

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